The game is played on a rectangular 6-pocket table with 15 balls (7 yellows, 7 reds.You may have heard of ‘bar rules’ which people generally agree on, but even these rules vary depending on the region. A scratch on any shot results in ball-in-hand in the kitchen (behind the head string), and you must shoot the CB out of the kitchen before contact with a ball or cushion. When you can’t come to an agreement, the best thing to do is to find 8 ball pool rules: the simple version.There is no official rule set for bar rules 8-ball, but here’s a good summary of the main differences between typical bar rules and the official rules of pool: there are no fouls (except scratches).

8 Ball Rules How To Play 8
23 Must Have Billiard Accessories You Can’t Do WithoutTo start off the game right, you and your opponent should agree on the proper rack formation. 18 Unique Pool Table Lights for Your Billiard Room Best Pool Cues for the Money: A Cue for Every Budget This article will walk you through, step by step, how to play 8 ball pool the simple way.Want to check out some billiard gear we like? Check out these articles!
Solids and StripesThe rest of the triangle rack should be random, save for the two corner balls at the bottom of the triangle. This is widely agreed upon throughout the pool world. The 8 BallThe 8 ball should always be located in the center of the rack two rows from the top and two rows from the bottom of the triangle.
8 Ball Rules How To BreakWhich Player
In some areas, losers rack and winners break. Once a game has been played, who breaks and who racks the next game can either be taken in turns or determined by who loses the game. The bottom of the break formation should be aligned parallel with the closest end of the table.Heres a little diagram I found on Pooldawg.com that should help you identify the foot spot on the table a bit easier.Anatomy of a Pool Table – An infographic by the team at PoolDawg Billiards Supplies How To BreakWhich player or team breaks should be determined initially by a coin toss. The number 1 ball should be at the top of the triangle.The break formation should be aligned with the apex ball (Number 1 Ball) at the foot spot on the table (usually a little round marker at one end of the table).
On most recreational tables this line is imaginary, but can easily be determined by looking at the diamonds or markings along the sides of the table. Placement Of The Cueball To BreakThe cue ball can be placed anywhere behind the head string, which is denoted by a line between the second markings at the head end of the table. If the players cannot agree on which route to take, a coin flip will work well for every break situation.
If four balls do not come into contact with cushions on the break, the opponent can choose to either play the table as is or ask for a re-break.Additionally, if the cue ball goes into a pocket on the break, the opposing player can either place the cue ball and shoot from anywhere behind the head string or ask for a re-rack and re-break.If the 8-ball is potted (sunk) on the break, the opposing player can ask for a re-rack and re-break, or the 8-ball can be re-spotted on the table and play can continue.After the break is made, the next rule concerns assigning each player either solids or stripes. It doesn’t matter what balls, or what cushions, as long as four different balls make contact with cushions. A Legal BreakWhat constitutes a legal break is four balls hitting cushions. So, shooting from ‘in the kitchen’ should be considered the same as shooting from behind the head string.Refer to diagram above for more details.
However, if a player sinks both a solid and a stripe on a legal break, but misses the next shot, the table is considered open. The next ball he pots will determine who is solid and who is stripes.For example: if a player sinks both a solid and a stripe on a legal break, and then pots a solid on the next shot, that player will be solids and the opponent will be stripes. This means that either player can sink or ‘pot’ solid or striped balls.If one or more object balls (except the 8-ball) are potted on the break, the player who broke can continue to shoot until he misses.
A legally potted 8-ball means that the player first calls which pocket the 8-ball will be going in and then successfully sinks the ball in that pocket. Winning The GameThe game is won when one of the players first pots all of their assigned object balls (solids or stripes) and then legally pots the 8-ball. On the other hand, it’s not uncommon for amateur players to take many turns during the game, missing or fouling often until they develop their skill. It’s not uncommon for skilled players to only take one or two turns during the game, as they continue to sink their object balls back to back, missing and fouling rarely. At which point it’s the other player’s turn.
The cue ball has to stay on the table in order for an 8-ball shot to be legal. Even if the 8-ball goes into the called pocket. The opposing player also wins if the cue ball is pocketed along with the 8-ball on a called 8-ball shot.
The balls should be left as they are after the mistaken shot, and played as is.Touched Balls – A foul occurs when a player touches any object balls outside of a legal shot. Otherwise, it’s considered a foul.No Balls Touched – If an object ball is missed and the cue ball fails to contact any other ball on the table, it’s considered a foul and play passes to the opposing player.Balls Knocked Off Table – A foul occurs if a player’s shot results in any of the balls being knocked off the table.Shooting Out of Turn – It’s a foul if either player shoots out of turn. If two balls, one of each suit, are hit simultaneously, this is a ‘split shot’ and is considered legal.Cue Ball Scratch – A scratch is a foul in which the cue ball is pocketed or sent off the table.Lack of Rail Contact – If no ball is pocketed on a shot, either the cue ball or an object ball must come into contact with a rail, after the object ball has been hit. If the cue ball first contacts the opposing player’s object ball, it is considered a foul. Here are some of the most common fouls:Hitting the Opposing Player’s Object Ball – Once each player’s suit is determined, a shot any player takes with the cue ball must contact a ball of their own suit first, whether it’s solids or stripes. When a foul occurs, play passes to the opposing player, who can place the cue ball anywhere on the table.
This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and has the opportunity to have fun and test their skills.Pool is meant to be a fun, relaxing game that you can play with your friends or against perfect strangers. But, to ensure a fun game and enjoyment for all, the rules should be agreed upon by all parties.Whether you follow the rules above or some other set of rules that is more comfortable for you and the other players doesn’t really matter as long as everyone agrees on the rules you play by. Other schools of thought suggest that any foul gives the opposing player free placement of the cue ball anywhere behind the head string or ‘in the kitchen’.Which way you play should consider your respective skill levels. Ball In Hand FoulsSome rules dictate that any foul should result in free placement of the cue ball anywhere on the table by the opposing player. Multiple hits on the cue ball in the same shot should also be considered a foul, as well as hitting the cue ball with anything other than the cue stick’s tip.Playing While Balls Are In Motion – It’s a foul when a player takes a shot before the balls have come to a complete stop from the previous shot.Shots Without One Foot On Floor – Unless the player has a disability that prevents this, at least one foot must be on the floor during any given shot to prevent a foul.
Modify them if you need to or keep them as they are. So, take these simplified rules and try them out.